
Contour Fashion Innovation MA/MSc module details

Block 1: Contour Foundations

This module establishes fundamental understanding of the Contour specialism to those students new to the sector, while allowing those with previous expertise to delve further into the areas they wish to explore. You will critically examine and analyse the market with a view to gaining expert and complex understanding of your product area and of the specialist considerations within it. You will offer a well-researched proposal for an original, innovative, and strategic Contour project, and realise this with appropriate product design, function, quality, and fitness for purpose. Theoretical as well as practical routes may be explored. Knowledge in pattern making, fit and functionality applications particular to Contour will be consolidated and built upon, with a view to building specialist understanding to be applied in individual projects, whether practically or theoretically.

Block 2: Research Methods with Development Skills

In the module you will be introduced to advanced research skills. You will consider the role of research within the context of fashion and textiles, and to reflect on your personal attributes, skills and values as a contemporary researcher. Typical content will include research design; gathering, managing and analysing data; developing critical and ethical practices; and reporting and presenting research findings.  

Sustainable development and technical skills are also applied through delving deeper into fashion and textile research. You will develop your investigative skills in an area of personal interest with emphasis placed on sustainable and/or innovative textile development.

Block 3: Select one from the following:

  • Supply and Sourcing

This module provides an industry-based view into the practical components attributing to the planning and production of textile products. It focusses on current supply chain practices and reflects on future global market and industry trends and movements to give you an insight into how and when to source, production plan and practical understanding into the workings of the ‘Critical Path.’

Developments into sustainability within garment development and manufacture will be explored and you will consider best practice in this area as a core part of your work.

  • Technology for Design

Technological advancement in design and manufacturing techniques are growing exponentially. Designers of all specialisms are curious about how technology can help them create and innovate to develop new practice, effect change things and affect the way we live. This module aims to provide a platform for you to explore a range of technologies and help to advance your knowledge and practice in this area.

You will research a range of technologies and work with the staff team to identify an area which you would like to investigate, which could include computer aided design; computer visualisation; virtual prototyping; direct digital manufacturing and the development of new equipment, materials, artefacts and devices. Staff will assist and provide guidance in the partnering of student and technology where possible, internal within the university or external in local industry.

  • Digital Development

Technology continues to provide creative, practical, and sustainable solutions to global challenges faced by the fashion and textiles industry. Advances in key areas such as 3D prototyping, Extended Reality (XR) and sensing, scanning and fitting technologies have opened the job market resulting in new opportunities for designers with the relevant digital skill set.

This module aims to introduce you to practice-led methods of digital product development and creative communication for fashion and textiles. It aims to advance your knowledge of process and presentation in virtual environments and encourage disruptive thinking and innovative approaches. During the module you may focus on areas such as: 3D pattern cutting and prototyping garments and/or accessories; virtual asset creation and library management of textiles, materials and trims; virtual and Augmented Reality presentations; or body scanning and photogrammetry.

  • Sustainability Strategy and Design

Debates surrounding sustainability have become increasingly prominent due to greater awareness among consumers of environmental and ethical issues, as well as initiatives by many companies to improve their sustainable credentials. This module examines key historical and contemporary contexts relating to sustainable design and corporate strategy, unpicking the complex debates surrounding a range of issues from worker’s rights to product lifecycles. Alternative perspectives on the traditional production and consumption model will be introduced, and both practical and conceptual aspects considered.

This module addresses the needs of students aiming to work in design, manufacturing or retail, providing future managers and entrepreneurs with a clear overview of the major sustainability issues within their industry. The impact of ethical and environmental considerations on designed products, production and business ideology will be analysed. It will cover sustainable development, ethical supply chains, corporate sustainability strategy, circular economy, slow fashion/lifestyle design, lifecycle analysis, alternative production and consumption models, integrated system design/ sustainable innovation, climate change, biodiversity, toxicity and sustainable resources.

Block 4: Contour Consolidation

This module builds upon the critical technical considerations explored in Contour Foundations and provides a space to apply subject matter investigated within the elective module in Block 3, developing ideas into a forward-facing Contour design study. By the end of the module, you will define clear objectives for your Major Project or Work based Project (if appropriate).

You will be working towards design excellence, considering creativity, technology, performance, sustainability, and broader cultural considerations as well as the specific requirements of your chosen Contour field. Investigation of communication and visual effectiveness within branding and marketing will be investigated to identify the most appropriate methods for your individual specialism. You will choose to develop either a portfolio/communications/digital or a product/ collection outcome.

Blocks 5 and 6: Select one from the following:

  • Major Design Project

In this module you will be supported to demonstrate a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the techniques applicable to your own research and advanced scholarship in the completion of a major project. You will demonstrate your ability to use initiative and ingenuity, make complex decisions and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level.

You will have the choice of either a major focus on design practice supported by a written critical evaluation (practice) or a major focus on the critical evaluation supported by a condensed design practice (academic). This should reflect your chosen path after graduation, should that be into design practice or continuing to an academic path.

  • Work-based Project

This module provides the opportunity to develop and demonstrate skills acquired from the course in a practical context - for example working with a fashion, textile, or design company on the development of a prototype innovation. It is anticipated that this work-based live project will include experience of working on the design or development of products within an area of fashion, textiles or design. You will bring together all aspects of the course ranging from research methodologies to discipline-specific modules. This work-based project will receive supervision from the host organisation and the university and outcomes will be negotiated and may include a mix of a research reports for the host and/or plans.

  • Entrepreneurship Project

This module offers you the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills by turning a business idea into a business plan, conducting primary research on the viability of the plan, and receiving feedback from experts.

Your project will be supported by a project supervisor and a mentor with entrepreneurial experience. You will prepare a report in the form of a business plan complete with an explanation of your business idea, the problem that the business idea suggests, a full market and financial analysis and a realistic plan for start-up and growth, as well as a summary presentation. You will present your plan to a panel of 'mock investors' and receive valuable feedback.

Note: All modules are subject to change in order to keep content current.