
Contact us

Main switchboard:

  +44 (0)116 255 1551

Emergencies on campus:

DMU Security can be reached 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year

  (0116) 257 7642

Thinking of studying with us?

  (0116) 250 6070

For current students:

  1. Faculty advice centres (academic enquiries from current DMU students)

    Arts, Design and Humanities

    0116 257 7394

    Business and Law

    0116 257 7243

    Computing, Engineering and Media

    0116 207 8499

    Health and Life Sciences

    0116 257 7749

  2. Student Gateway (non-academic enquiries from current DMU students)

    The Student Gateway is for all non-academic queries

    Monday to Friday 9am-5pm

      0116 257 7595


For staff recruitment:

  1. Staff recruitment